Ah, acne: the scourge of the world. We’ve almost all experienced it (some to a greater extent than others), and we’ve almost all suffered as a result.
The question we all have is: where does this stuff come from? Why do red, oily, painful, blister-like spots show up on our bodies out of nowhere?
In this article, we’re going to get to the center of that question, examining not only the source of acne but the ways in which you can combat it as well. Let’s get started!
There isn’t just one cause of acne. Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, some of which are easier to control than others. The most common causes of acne are as follows.
One of the most common causes of acne is high oil production. The more oil that’s secreted from a pore, the higher chance that pore has of becoming clogged. Should it become clogged, a pimple will almost certainly arise.
Certain parts of the body secrete more oil than others. Because of this, they’re more prone to acne. These areas include the shoulders, the face, the upper back, and the chest.
Another cause of acne is an extreme hormonal activity. The more that hormone levels are fluctuating in a person’s body, the greater the chance that he or she will develop acne.
This is why acne is so prevalent among teenagers. Adolescents are experiencing extreme hormonal changes, and are visually demonstrating those changes in the way of acne.
At its core, acne is inflammation. So, to find the source of acne, you must find the source of inflammation. In many cases, this is bacteria.
When skin pores become clogged with bacteria over substantial periods of time, inflammation almost always arises. This, of course, leads to acne. Therefore, to reduce acne, one must also reduce the existence of bacteria.
The fact of the matter is that acne can’t arise without a blocked follicle. When a follicle becomes blocked, it is unable to secrete oil as needed. Instead, oil backs up into it, applying pressure, and creating inflammation.
When the blockage causes the pore walls to expand, it produces a whitehead. When it causes the pore walls to open, it produces a blackhead.
Environmental stress has been linked to acne on many occasions. If you’re under a lot of pressure at school, work, or home, acne could rear its ugly head soon.
There are a few different foods which are believed to cause acne. These include but are not limited to chocolate, skim milk, and foods which are high in carbohydrates.
Regardless of the reason for your acne, there is a way to combat it. While good hygiene is appropriate for combatting most cases, in some cases, more extreme measures are needed. Generally, it’s wise to do the following.
First and foremost, you need to wash your face on a regular basis. Washing your face unclogs your pores and eliminates any bacteria which may exist within them.
At a minimum, you should wash your face twice a day: once when you wake up and once before you go to sleep. However, ideally, you’ll wash your face throughout your day, particularly after eating and after engaging in exercise.
As was noted above, there are a few foods out there which tend to make acne worse than it already is. Want to keep acne to a minimum? Avoid these foods like the plague.
Makeup obviously has its benefits. However, there’s a big drawback to makeup: it tends to clog pores.
When this occurs, the face is unable to secrete the oils that it needs to secrete. The result? Acne!
If you’re going to use makeup, use it sparingly. Plus, make sure that it’s natural. Synthetic chemicals can clog pores.
A habit that many human beings suffer from is the habit of touching their hands to their face. Some do this to scratch an itch while others do this as a nervous tick. However, regardless of why it’s happening, it can cause acne to form.
So, if you want to keep your acne to a minimum, you need to keep your hands away from your face.
As was noted above, the rays of the sun have the potential to cause acne. This is due to the fact that UV rays can cause inflammation, the root of all acne. As such, if you want to reduce your acne, you need to do what you can to limit sun exposure to your skin.
Wear hats, apply sunscreen regularly, and try not to go out too much between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. Doing these things will reduce sun exposure, helping to stave off acne.
If your acne exists for hormonal reasons, you might need to turn to medications. There are some truly powerful acne medications on the market today, most of which are created for those with severe acne that can’t be easily eliminated. Some of these medications include Accutane and Epiduo, to name just two.
Note, to use these medications, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. From there, your doctor will decide whether you’re an appropriate candidate.
Looking to kiss your acne goodbye forever? Hoping for a medicinal treatment? Kiwi Drug has you covered.
Ours is one of the top drug retailers on the web, selling to customers in Australia, Europe, the United States, and Asia. Whether you’re looking for Accutane, Androcur, or something a little less potent, we can get it to you.
Browse our selection of acne medications now!