You’re looking to take a multivitamin? Start here first.
In the United States, about 50 percent of Americans choose to take a multivitamin. With so many choices out there, it can be challenging to decide which ones are worth your while.
But the real question is, what vitamins should I take?
For those looking for the best, check out what to look for in a multivitamin to get all the nutrients you need.
Read on to learn more.
The best vitamins to take contain vitamins A, B, C, and D.
There are two distinct types of vitamin A. The first type called preformed vitamin A. It is found in foods such as dairy, fish, and poultry products. The second is known as provitamin A and is located in plant-based foods.
Vitamin A has one of two forms:
Retinol increases the production of collagen and can encourage new blood vessels to produce. It reduces wrinkles, rough patches of skin, and fine lines. Carotenoids like beta-carotene work as antioxidants and protect cells against free radicals.
Free radicals are formed from environmental pollution and when our bodies convert food into energy and contribute to aging and play a role in long-term diseases.
In addition to helping the lungs, kidneys, and heart work properly, Vitamin A encourages good eyesight and helps maintains healthy soft and skeletal tissues like the skin and teeth.
When considering what vitamins do I need, be sure to add vitamin B to the list. Vitamin B works on the anatomic level to promote DNA growth and maintain the body’s blood and nerve cells.
Vitamin B1, or thiamin, is essential in converting food into energy. It, alongside riboflavin, helps promote healthier hair and skin.
Be on the lookout for vitamin B6, pyridoxine. pyridoxine helps lower your homocysteine levels and might reduce the risk of heart disease. B6 also is important in appetite, mood, and sleep roles.
Add vitamin C to your list to help protect your cells from damage. The amount of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, you need depends on both your sex and age. Consult this chart for specific information.
Some medical healthcare professionals commonly recommend vitamin C supplements to combat the common cold. Vitamin C may also lower the risk of cataracts, mouth cancers, and throat cancers.
Vitamin D assists in regulating the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body. Diets low in vitamin D can lead to the softening of your bones and make you more vulnerable to bone fractures.
Vitamin E helps promote a strong immune system. This vitamin is fat-soluble and is most effective when taken with food.
Be sure to check out reputable supplement sellers like this one to ensure the highest quality vitamins at the best price!
What vitamins should I take daily? The answer is calcium. Calcium is stored in the teeth and bones where is helps maintain strong hardness and structure. Calcium also helps muscle mobility and encourages interconnectivity between the body and brain.
Calcium can be naturally found in foods such as:
Calcium vitamins and supplements often come in the form of citrate and carbonate. Both work best when taken with food. You should consider a calcium supplement if you have lactose intolerance, are postmenopausal, or are vegetarian or vegan.
You might have calcium deficiency if you experience cataracts, osteoporosis, and dental changes.
Avoid taking calcium with alcohol and caffeine as it will null the effects of the vitamin. Do not take calcium with iron or zinc supplements. Calcium inhibits the absorption of these minerals and makes them ineffective.
Iron is essential for body development and growth. Iron helps create hemoglobin, a part of the red blood cell that transports oxygen throughout the entire body. Iron also helps produce necessary hormones in the body.
Iron is naturally found in foods such as:
You may want to consider an iron supplement if you are a frequent blood donor, are pregnant, or are a woman with a menstrual cycle.
You might be low on iron if you experience a lack of energy, problems with concentration, and feel weak. Iron deficiency anemia is most common in women under the age of fifty.
Look for zinc in your multivitamin. Zinc works to combat viruses and bacteria and strengthen the immune system. While you’re still growing, your body needs zinc to develop and grow normally.
Zinc also promotes the smell and taste senses and encouraged wounds to heal.
Zinc is commonly found in foods like:
Zinc is found as dietary supplements under names such as zinc sulfate, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate.
You should consider a zinc supplement if you have a digestive disorder, are vegan or vegetarian, or are an older infant. Those who drink high quantities of alcohol may also be at risk for zinc deficiency as it inhibits zinc absorption.
You may be experiencing a zinc deficiency if you have hair loss, problems with wounds healing, weight loss, or a loss of taste.
Figuring out what to look for in a multivitamin is key to getting a high-quality product that supports your body. Be sure to consult your medical care provider before making any major lifestyle changes.
What are you waiting for? Better health awaits!
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