Are you considering getting your prescription drugs via mail order?
The use of mail order prescriptions has been on the rise in 2020, as the coronavirus made people more hesitant to go out and stand in lines at the pharmacy. If you have prescription drugs, you’ve likely faced the dilemma of whether or not you should risk infection by standing in line.
Or you have just grown tired of the constant trips to the pharmacy and have wondered if mail, delivered straight to your door, would be a better option.
But what do you need to know about mail order prescriptions before you agree to receive them?
Keep on reading to find out!
Simply put, mail order prescriptions remove the inconvenience of having to go to a pharmacy to receive your prescriptions.
When you pick up medication from a traditional, in-person pharmacy, your doctor has already called ahead and put in an order for that medication for you. That’s how the pharmacist knows that this prescription drug has been approved for you to use by a physician.
If you use a mail order pharmacy, this still needs to happen. Instead of ordering from a Walmart or CVS, however, your doctor will call the order in to a specific mail order pharmacy. The pharmacy will then work out how much you owe them with your insurance company.
A while later, you’ll receive your medication at your door, ready to be taken.
For many people, mail order prescriptions sound like a convenient dream. Yet, there are a few things you need to do before getting your mail order prescription.
First, you need to make sure your health insurance covers medications from mail order pharmacies. Many popular health insurance providers in the United States have their own preferred mail order pharmacy, but not every health insurance will.
If you don’t order from a pharmacy covered by your health insurance, you will have to pay the full cost of your drug. For some medications, this is only a matter of a few dollars, but for others, you might end up paying thousands. Before deciding whether or not to take the leap, see what your insurance covers and make sure you can fit it into your budget.
Once you’re on your insurance company’s website, they should be able to further direct you on setting up mail order prescriptions if they cover it.
Mail order prescriptions can be pretty convenient, but there are several instances in which you should think twice before solely relying on them.
For instance, mail takes time to get from the pharmacy to you, so it’s not as quick of a process as picking up medication in a traditional pharmaceutical setting. If you find yourself in urgent need of emergency drugs, it’s not the best idea to wait that long.
Instead, you should get your emergency medication from your regular pharmacy this time and try to schedule mail order prescriptions going forward.
Sometimes, pharmacies also need you to sign off on medication before receiving it in the mail. If no one’s home to receive your package, it could delay you in getting your medicine.
Given these possible downsides, why should you still consider mail away drugs?
Mail away drugs often cost less than what you would pay at a pharmacy, especially if you have insurance. Because of this, you might end up spending less money on your medications. They also often come in a 90-day bulk supply, which can be a great way to save money, as you don’t need to buy medication as often.
Most mail in pharmacies also have 24-hour phone lines you can use to ask questions about your medication. While you won’t be able to talk to a pharmacist in person, you will be able to ask your questions to a pharmacy representative. More than that, you’ll even be able to ask it whenever works best for you.
Some medications must be stored at a specific temperature to be effective. Because of this, some people might be skeptical of mail order pharmaceuticals.
If you are one of them, don’t worry. The pharmacies have already thought of this in advance, and most will ship your temperature-sensitive medication in a refrigerated truck or with accommodations that will help it maintain the correct temperature. If you want to make certain, though, you should call your pharmacy and see what their personal shipping policy entails.
Did you know that you can also get your over the counter drugs via the mail?
It’s true! With the combination of mail order prescriptions and shipped non-prescription drugs, you never need to go to the pharmacy again.
Our online store has a wide variety of non-prescription medications, from common purchases such as pain relief and allergy drugs to more rare offerings. We’re also the oldest online medicinal store in existence, having run our business for 15 years.
Mail order prescriptions often offer people a great alternative to an in-person pharmacy.
When you order medication through the mail, you have all of the convenience of getting cheaper medication delivered right to your doorstep. In addition, you’ll be able to take advantage of 24-hour advice phone lines and all of the other fantastic benefits of getting your medication shipped to you.
If you’re wanting to get some medicine right now, don’t wait! As mentioned above, we offer a variety of medications designed to fit a variety of your basic health needs. Whether you need pain medication or to promote your digestive health, we have the right medication for you. Check out our products today!