More than 4 in 5 American adults take vitamins or health supplements daily. That’s a huge 86% of the population!
Among them, multivitamins are by far the most popular. Why? Because no matter how hard we try to live a healthy lifestyle, sometimes, we could all do with a little boost.
Even if you eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly, a quality multivitamin can help with our health maintenance.
But what are the benefits of multivitamins, and how should we incorporate these important supplements into our lives?
A multivitamin is a supplement that contains a variety of different vitamins and minerals. Most people take them as part of a healthy lifestyle.
According to nutritionists, a good multivitamin should always contain these 7 ingredients.
Knowing what to look for in a multivitamin is the first step to understanding these important supplements.
Our bodies need 13 vitamins to maintain our health and wellbeing: A, C, D, E, K, and the eight B vitamins. The majority of these are not made by our bodies, so we get them from our food.
A healthy diet that contains a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will give your body the nutrients it needs. However, as much as we would all love to eat all those fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, sometimes it just is not possible.
This is where a multivitamin can bridge the gap.
They have numerous health benefits that can help with other life factors, including pregnancy, menopause, illness, tiredness, and more.
Taking a multivitamin regularly can give you more energy, and make you feel less stressed. Giving you an overall sense of wellness.
It is no secret that taking a good prenatal vitamin during pregnancy can lead to a healthier pregnancy and baby. But did you know that taking a multivitamin before conceiving can also have a big health impact on baby and mom?
Studies have shown that women who took a multivitamin before and during pregnancy reduced their risk of premature or low birth weight babies.
A multivitamin should contain folate (or folic acid). This is a mineral that is important for fetal health.
Certain vitamins and minerals can help in slowing down or preventing memory loss. One of these vitamins is B12. This can be found in multivitamin supplements.
Studies have shown that a deficiency in B12 can lead to memory-related issues. B12 works to keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It also helps in the production of DNA and improving memory function.
A multivitamin can help keep your eyes in top condition. Thanks to their inclusion of the B vitamins, which may reduce the risk of degenerative eye diseases. This in turn can affect the vision.
Vitamin C is another antioxidant that can help protect against age-related cataracts. Zinc helps maintain the health of the retina, protein structure, and cell membranes of the eye.
All of these benefits come with taking a daily multivitamin.
If stress and anxiety play a major role in your life, then you need to start taking a multivitamin. Multivitamins contain magnesium and zinc. These are minerals that can improve your ability to deal with stress.
These minerals are particularly low in older people and those suffering from stress. By taking a multivitamin that contains zinc and magnesium, you will boost your immune system and help your body create energy.
If you are looking to slim down, then consider adding a multivitamin to your regime. Studies show that a health benefit of multivitamins is weight loss.
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for converting nutrients into energy. This in turn helps you burn more calories throughout the day.
If you are a keen athlete then adding a multivitamin to your diet could really help lift your energy and stamina.
Exercise is associated with oxidative stress and tissue damage. This means that athletes need more antioxidant nutrients like vitamins C and E. They can also help strengthen your muscles.
The addition of iron will help you feel less tired, giving you the energy to exercise.
Thanks to vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and B-12, multivitamins can have a positive impact on your mood and well-being.
Studies have shown that taking a daily vitamin as part of your healthy living plan can really affect your emotional well-being. Getting the right vitamins can improve your brain’s functions that are responsible for your mood.
Do you toss and turn during the night? If you wake up in the morning more tired than when you went to sleep, then a multivitamin can help.
As well as being important to bone health, magnesium can help you get a better night’s sleep. Magnesium can calm our nervous system, reduce stress, and balance our blood sugar. All aiding better quality rest.
We could all do with a boost to our immune systems – especially during the winter.
Multivitamins contain vitamin C, D, and E. These are strong antioxidants that are renowned for improving and strengthening the immune system.
Due to the loss of protective estrogen during menopause, women can experience accelerated bone loss.
Women going through menopause require greater levels of calcium and vitamin D. Both of these nutrients can be found in multivitamins. Helping to improve bone density and strength.
The benefits of multivitamins can help improve so many aspects of your physical and mental well-being.
Now that you are familiar with the benefits, why not incorporate a multivitamin into your everyday routine?
Check out our wide range of vitamins and minerals, and start enjoying a healthier life.