At any given time, at least four out of ten adults across the world are experiencing some kind of digestive disruption. These issues can fall along a wide range of severity levels but all disrupt activities and make daily life much more uncomfortable. While constipation and diarrhea are common, they can be incredibly frustrating to deal with.
Especially when you’re not sure what’s causing them and how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Understanding why you may be having these issues can help you and your medical providers figure out the best path forward.
This guide outlines the top eight causes of constipation and diarrhea that you should look into.
Obviously, both of these conditions heavily affect a person’s bowel movements which can be directly tied to their diet. When you start to experience any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to first reflect on if you’ve had any major changes to your dietary choices recently.
A lot of times a large swing in what you’re eating can cause chaos in your digestive system until things even out and your body gets used to the changes.
For example, a sudden increase in dairy intake can cause things to get backed up and intense constipation to ensue. It’s helpful to ease into changes and let your body adjust over time.
Sometimes the digestive issues are related to other systems in your body and are a sign of underlying conditions that aren’t being resolved. Many times the endocrine system and digestive system have this type of bond.
An overactive thyroid that’s producing too many hormones can lead to a too-fast metabolism and diarrhea. Where an underactive thyroid can cause constipation because it’s not producing enough hormones and slowing down all of the symptoms. These problems along with other side effects can give you a clear picture of what’s going on inside your body.
Medications have become a crucial element in many people’s daily lives. We use them to take away minor aches or pains and also to keep our body functioning so we can live. But it’s important to remember that they all come with possible side effects as well.
Common side effects of many medications of all types are issues with digestion. If you’re experiencing either, it’s helpful to take a look at your medication labels and talk to your doctor to see if they’re linked.
Often, the causes of constipation or diarrhea seem to be the opposite of each other. But occasionally, the same thing can affect the body in these two very different ways. That’s the case with eating too much fiber.
Eating a lot of fiber-rich foods is an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. The key is finding the right amount for your body that helps aid in digestion without affecting it negatively. When you start having issues, you can adjust your fiber levels to see if that changes how everything functions.
Unfortunately, as people age their bodies just don’t work as well as they used to. This is especially true of the digestive system and how well your body processes the food it eats.
Many people start having episodes of constipation or diarrhea on a regular basis as they grow older. And it’s not always tied to a specific reason, which is where regular treatments can come in handy. The right medications can help prevent those issues from cropping up and keep everything moving correctly.
Stress and intense situations cause your body to release hormones to help try to combat those feelings. Sometimes, those hormones cause your body to have other physical reactions that don’t have anything to do with managing stress, anxiety or overwhelm. But seeing stress as a trigger for digestive issues can help you prepare and prevent them from happening.
Many people experience a sudden onset of watery stool and diarrhea when they feel threatened or overwhelmed. Once that situation is over and the feelings have dissipated, they generally return back to typical digestive health.
As with pretty much every area of the body, pregnancy hormones can have a big impact on digestive health.
There are so many changes that come when a baby is growing, it can be difficult to manage them all. Especially with a limited amount of medications that are safe to take. It’s a good idea to monitor your digestive situation as you progress through pregnancy so you can try to find the triggers and keep them from getting too difficult to manage.
Drinking enough water is a key element to having a healthy life, especially in regard to digestion and the processing of foods. When you consume too much or too little water, you can have all kinds of negative side effects creep in including disruption to your stool production.
It’s important to make sure you are consistently drinking enough water every day so your body can function properly.
Keeping a log of how much you consume is an easy way to confirm you’re in the right range and have that aspect of a healthy life under control.
Dealing with constipation and diarrhea can leave you feeling anything from annoyance to excruciating pain. It’s a debilitating issue that can completely ruin your daily activities and lead to other medical issues if not handled quickly. Taking a good look at potential causes can help you find the right solution.
Luckily, for many patients, constipation and diarrhea can be resolved with the help of different medications and supplements. Getting those remedies going as quickly as possible is the best way to find relief.
It’s always important to work with your medical provider when finding a new medication to try. That’s made simple through our online visit system where you can speak with a doctor for recommendations to fix your symptoms. To get started, contact us today!