In the US, over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Chances are, when spring’s on your doorsteps, you’re sneezing and blowing your nose along with those 50 million other Americans. This can make you feel quite miserable in a time when you’re supposed to be enjoying the good weather. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep suffering. If you’re looking for hayfever relief, then keep reading.
We’ll give you the best tips to conquer this pesky health issue.
If you can help it, you should stay indoors whenever the pollen count is high. Keep your eye on the pollen forecast for your area and see if you can avoid running errands or meeting up with people on days that are especially bad.
If you have to go outside, then try to limit it to outside of the hours of 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Typically, this is the period where pollen will be at its highest counts.
To accommodate this, you might have to alter your daily schedule a little. If you’re used to running after lunch, try switching to right after you wake up.
A buildup of dust in your home can already cause enough problems with your allergies. But if you get a lot of foot traffic and people are carrying in dirt and pollen? Then your allergies are probably insufferable.
Make sure you do some spring cleaning as soon as your allergies flare up. Deep clean your house to get rid of as much dust, mold, and other debris as you can.
If it’s been a while since you’ve changed your HVAC air filters, then swap those out too. Check them every once in a while to ensure they can do their jobs properly.
Deep cleaning your house is great when spring arrives, but that can only do so much if you don’t keep up with it. Eventually, more dust, dirt, mold, and pollen will build up, which will exacerbate your allergies again.
To keep them at bay, you should clean your house at least once a week. The frequency should be increased if you get a lot of foot traffic in your home. You should also vacuum either every other day or daily.
This might take a small investment, but it’s well worth it when you can breathe easy in your own home.
There are many compact and portable air purifiers on the market. Purchase a few for your house and place them in each room. Just after a few hours, you should feel a difference in the air quality of your home.
Make sure you read the instructions and know when to change the air filters. Otherwise, you may be running them with clogged filters, which will hinder how well they grab the pollen, dust, and dirt out of the air.
This one might sound like a strange one for hayfever relief, but truly, stress can impact your allergies.
Whenever you’re stressed out, you produce special hormones that have your body on edge; this is to prepare it for immediate action. When you’re constantly pumping those hormones out, this can negatively impact your immune system.
When your immune system isn’t doing as well as it should, it can leave you more vulnerable to allergic reactions.
To help boost your immune system, you need to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants. For instance, you should add more vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. You can also drink more green tea.
Antioxidants have a myriad of other health benefits, so it certainly wouldn’t hurt to incorporate these foods into your diet.
You spend around 8 hours a night in bed, which means what ever’s on your body will surely get into your bedding. This can cause allergic reactions, which can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
If you’ve been out all day and return home, you most likely have pollen in your hair and skin—as well as all over your clothes. If you get straight into bed without getting rid of any of that, it’s surely a recipe for disaster.
Switch to taking showers at night right before bed so you ensure you’re completely clean before you climb in. Not only that, but that way, you’re wearing your indoor clothes (pajamas), which means they should have no pollen on them.
There are several over-the-counter allergy medications you can try for reducing allergy symptoms. For example, there’s Claritin, which has helped many allergy sufferers like you lead more normal lives.
You may be worried about these medications making you drowsy and unable to do anything during the day, but those days are long gone. Nowadays, these medicines are formulated so they’re strong but have very little side effects.
Most of them only require you to take 1 every 24 hours, so all you have to do is wake up, take a pill, and then go on with the rest of your day with no hassle.
With all our tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to get the hayfever relief you need and deserve this spring.
And the best thing about our advice is you can use it whenever your allergies flare up. So no matter if it’s this spring, next summer, or 10 years from now, you’ll have the proper knowledge to stop your allergies in their tracks whenever they rear their ugly heads.
Ready to combat hayfever and tackle spring head-on? Then take a look at our selection of allergy medications now.