Here Are the Most Common Eye Allergies and How to Treat Them

Your eyelashes don't just exist for looking pretty and helping you when you flirt. They're there (on a biological level) to keep dirt and debris out of your eyes. And while they do a pretty good job, they're not perfect. They can't filter out things that are so small, that they get through the fibers. Or things that are so densely in the atmosphere that there's no way to avoid them all. Eye all...

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Diabetic Control Solutions: 10 Ways to Manage Your Diabetes

Receiving a diagnosis of Type II diabetes can be downright depressing for some. You may feel embarrassed, overwhelmed, and hopeless, but there's no need to despair. You're certainly not alone either. Over 100 million Americans in 2015 were diagnosed with either prediabetes or diabetes.  It's possible to live a healthy and fulfilling life once you know how to treat it properly. The trut...

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Joint Enterprise: 9 Ways to Get Arthritis Pain Relief

Your joints are stiff and throbbing and making dinner for your family suddenly becomes a bigger challenge. A game of catch with your son? Forget it. Even gripping the steering wheel to go to an appointment is a literal pain.  You've been told by your doctor you have arthritis, and you assume this pain is just how it is from now on. However, there are actually several methods of arthritis ...

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What Does Acid Feel Like? 9 Surprising Signs That You Have Acid Reflux

Did you know that 20 percent of Americans have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Each year this common condition affects babies, children, and adults and even leads to millions of hospitalizations when it becomes very serious. Whether you have occasional heartburn or experience it regularly, you're probably familiar with that burn you feel in your chest right after you've had a meal...

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The Painfully Slow Clap: How to Find a Gonorrhea Treatment Fast

Gonorrhea (or the clap) is the 2nd most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States after chlamydia. There are an estimated 820,000 new cases of gonorrhea every year in the U.S., and 1.7 million cases globally.  Luckily, gonorrhea treatment is accessible, quick and relatively pain-free. The worst part is telling your partner(s) about the infection, but if caught and treated e...

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Spring is Here: 10 Allergy Solutions to Help You Survive the Season

Approximately 30% of adults and 40% of children suffer from allergies. While most allergies aren't enough to send you to the ER, they can cause debilitating congestion and discomfort. Instead of confining yourself to your room on the particularly bad days, you can be proactive about your condition. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, the worst time of year is upon you. But with just a fe...

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