Your eyes are under attack. At least 2.2 billion people have a problem with their vision. Some people struggle with seeing objects close to them while others have difficulty with things far away. But many people share one thing in common: blurry vision. If you have problems seeing things clearly, you need to take steps now to protect your vision. One step you must take is to educate yourself. ...
Globally, death rates from diabetic complications have increased by 10.8% since 1990. More people are experiencing hospitalizations and complications from diabetes. Diabetes and neuropathy can increase global health burdens and expenses, leading to long-term complications. Luckily, neuropathy is a manageable diabetic complication. Recognizing early signs can prevent lasting nerve damage. Wit...
Are your on and off again bathroom habits disrupting your daily life? If so, you probably have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This is a functional bowel disorder that affects 3-20% of Americans often women. IBS can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. So how do you treat it and ensure it doesn’t continue disrupting your life? Keep reading for everything you need to know about IBS, including caus...
Are you tossing and turning every night? Are dark circles staring back at you in the bathroom mirror? It's possible you're not getting enough sleep each night. In fact, about 25% of Americans experience acute insomnia each year. Thankfully, about 75% of these individuals recover without developing persistent chronic insomnia. You can, too! Here are 10 simple tips for insomnia treatment. With th...
When many people think of asthma, they associate it with exercise and common warm weather allergens. While these things can trigger asthma, asthma sufferers have unique problems during the winter. Winter asthma is no less troublesome than asthma during any other part of the year. Different people will experience different symptoms (better or worse) during each season. We're here to talk abou...
Migraine headaches can stop you in your tracks. These debilitating headaches affect more than 35 million Americans every year. Migraine sufferers know that a migraine is much more than just a simple headache. They come with a long list of other symptoms, each of which can seriously impact your quality of life and get in the way of your daily activities. Unfortunately, dealing with migraines is a r...
Many people find thrush too embarrassing to talk about. Because of that, they aren't aware of common oral thrush signs and symptoms, and they're unwilling to ask for help. In reality, thrush is a common condition. It's not something "dirty" or embarrassing, and it's easy enough to cure if you catch and treat it early on. If you're not ready to talk to someone about your potential oral thrush si...
You might think that jock itch is a condition that only affects athletes. The name can be a little misleading because it can affect you even if you don't play sports. There have been almost 30 million cases of superficial fungal infections reported in the United States—and jock itch falls under this category. While it can affect a variety of people, it is most common in adolescent and adult ...
As a woman, it can feel overwhelming thinking about working out, cooking, and making healthier choices. Knowing how to lose weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. From getting more sleep to avoiding crash diets, we’ve rounded up some easy-to-follow weight loss tips for women. Working out and eating well doesn’t have to be hard. We’re here to show you how a few small shifts can make losing ...
Have you ever had a friend or family member practically brag about getting their prescription drugs online? Did red flags and sirens suddenly flood your mind? It seems like a good idea for many people, especially 11% of adult Americans opting for online pharmacies. However, like anything that looks too good to be true, you need to be aware of the dangers. If online security and privacy top...