7 Supplements for Natural Stress Relief

About 78% of Americans say the coronavirus pandemic is a significant source of stress in their lives. About 67% say they've experienced increased stress over the course of the pandemic.  Many people have noted a change in their overall health as a result of increased stress, too. For example, people are feeling restless, depressed, or struggling to concentrate.  If you're experiencing more str...

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Dry Ears: Causes, Treatment, Prevention

Getting bothered by skin dryness that makes your ears itchy, red, and painful? Experiencing dry ears is not an uncommon condition. However, the discomfort you get from dry ears may interrupt your daily routines. Many factors can result in you having this troublesome ear dryness. Find out what are the common causes of dry ears, their possible treatments, and prevention now. Causes The ear is a ...

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Everything to Consider When Choosing a Weight Loss Diet

According to the World Health Organization, over two million people die each year as a result of obesity. Most of the causes of obesity are preventable. The best place to start in avoiding this condition is to find a diet plan that helps you meet your overall fitness goals. “Fitness” means more than just exercising. Fitness also means finding a weight loss diet that works for your body and yo...

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Erectile Dysfunction: How To Stay Hard

Does erectile dysfunction hold you back from living a sexually fulfilled life? Are you confused about what causes erectile dysfunction about how to treat it? You are not alone. Erectile dysfunction is something that millions of men deal with, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Luckily, it's extremely treatable. From medications to simple lifestyle changes, you can incorporate treatments int...

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Anxiety in Teens: What to Do

31.9% of teens have issues with anxiety. If you're beginning to see signs of anxiety in your teens, there are some things that you can do to help. The first thing that you should do as a parent is to educate yourself on the signs of anxiety in teens and why anxiety frequently happens during the adolescent years. Read on now for the answers you've been looking for. Reasons Teens Have Problems Wi...

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Dry Itchy Eyes and How To Prevent Them

Did you know that the human eyes have a specific component made up of between 98% to 99.7% water? This part is none other than the vitreous humor (also called vitreous fluid). It's a transparent, gel-like substance that makes up the majority of the eye, helping keep its shape. The eyes also rely on another watery substance called aqueous humor. This fluid keeps the eye bathed in moisture and also...

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Meditation Tips for Absolute Beginners

You want to start meditating more consistently, but you find yourself struggling. As you've probably heard, meditation is great when it comes to improving mental health. It can also elevate your mood, and generally help you live your life with more awareness. However, developing a meditation habit is difficult. As a beginner, meditating for more than a few minutes can even be excruciating. You f...

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Ear Wax Buildup: When You Should Clean Your Ears

Do you struggle with earwax buildup? Are you wondering how often you should be cleaning your ears? While many of us regularly keep up with other matters of hygiene, ears are something we often forget. Yet a failure to do so could result in some embarrassing problems. Here's what you need to know about how to clean your ears. Why Do Your Ears Make Wax? A normal amount of wax can actually help t...

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Early Warning Signs of Diabetes: What Symptoms Should You Look Out for?

Studies show that approximately 34.2 million Americans suffer from diabetes. That's 1 out of every 10 Americans. As such, if you're worried about having diabetes yourself, thinking so wouldn't be much of a stretch.  But how can you tell whether diabetes is something you might have? The key is to look out for specific symptoms.  Curious as to what these symptoms might be? Then keep on reading. ...

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How to Create an Evening Routine for a Good Night’s Sleep

The average adult needs about seven to nine hours of sleep a night. However, nearly 35% of adults say they are getting less than seven hours of sleep at night.  Imagine, after a long day, you get into bed. You might scroll through your social media for a few minutes or check your email.  After a while, you check the time, and it's getting late. Time for bed. You close your eyes, and suddenly, ...

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