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  • New Zealand
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  • Daktarin
  • Daktarin Cream
  • Daktarin Powder
  • Daktarin Tincture
  • Gyno-Daktarin Cream
  • 15g
  • 2%
  • 2% w/w
  • 20mg/g
  • 20mg/g (2%)
  • 80g
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Buy Daktarin - miconazole oral gel - 80g - 1 EA Daktarin miconazole oral gel Brand United Kingdom 80g 1 EA DR $33.50 Add
Buy Daktarin Powder - miconazole tartrate - 2% w/w - 20g Daktarin Powder miconazole tartrate Brand United Kingdom 2% w/w 20g DR $18.76 Add
Buy Gyno-Daktarin Cream - miconazole - 20mg/g (2%) - 78g Gyno-Daktarin/​Gyno-Daktarin Cream miconazole Brand United Kingdom 20mg/g (2%) 78g DR $25.46 Add
Buy Daktarin - oral gel - 15g - 1 EA Daktarin oral gel Brand United Kingdom 15g 1 EA OTC $29.48 Add
Buy Daktarin Cream - miconazole nitrate - 20mg/g - 30g Daktarin Cream miconazole nitrate Brand New Zealand 20mg/g 30g OTC $12.04 Add
Buy Daktarin Powder - miconazole nitrate - 20mg/g - 30g Daktarin Powder miconazole nitrate Brand New Zealand 20mg/g 30g OTC $14.34 Add
Buy Daktarin Tincture - miconazole nitrate - 2% - 30ml Daktarin Tincture miconazole nitrate Brand New Zealand 2% 30ml OTC $18.93 Add

Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.

Daktarin Oral Gel (miconazole) is antifungal treatment designed to eradicate fungal infections in the mouth and throat, and less commonly in the stomach or intestines.

The medication can be used in patients aged 4 months old and up; in some circumstances it may be used in even younger patients, but this should not be attempted without doctor approval.

For best results any infection should be identified by a doctor before starting treatment. Daktarin Oral Gel will not help clear up infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Treating Oral Thrush with Daktarin

Daktarin Oral Gel is most often used to treat oral thrush, a common fungal infection in the mouth or throat caused by overgrowth of the Candida fungus. Anyone can get thrush, but certain patients are more likely to develop an infection, including those who:

  • Wear dentures
  • Use steroidal inhalers
  • Are taking antibiotics
  • Have diabetes
  • Are malnourished
  • Are generally in poor health

Oral thrush is also very common in infants, and is frequently used to clear up infections in young babies. Be aware, however, that Daktarin Oral Gel is very sticky, as it is designed to stay in the mouth as long as possible. Administration in young infants should be done with care and the gel should only be applied at the front of the mouth; in the back of the mouth it can easily block the throat. It should not be used at all in infants who have difficulty swallowing, regardless of age.

The medication is typically applied 3 to 4 times per day in all ages. Ideally the gel is applied directly to the affected areas and left in place as long as possible. It will gradually be dissolved and swallowed. If possible avoid eating or drinking until the majority of the medication is gone.

Dosage is largely determined by age. The product includes a measuring spoon and a leaflet describing dosage amounts and recommended frequency of application.

Most people apply the gel with a fingertip. Be sure to wash hands first if using this method; introducing additional germs will not promote healing.

Improvements are usually noticed quickly, within a day or two of starting treatment. Duration of treatment will vary somewhat between individuals; infections usually clear up completely within 2 weeks, sometimes as rapidly as 24 hours. In general, treatment should continue for 2 to 7 days after all symptoms are gone.

If using dentures, the gel should be applied at bedtime when dentures are removed. The gel may be applied directly to dentures overnight as well to provide further protection.

Warnings & Side Effects

Daktarin Oral Gel should not be used in patients who have liver damage or porphyrias (a blood disorder).

Effects on unborn or nursing babies are unclear. Mothers who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid use or discuss potential risks with a doctor before use.

Since it is taken orally and eventually consumed, Daktarin Oral Gel enters the bloodstream. This means the medication may interact with other drugs or supplements being taken, particularly in younger patients. Speak with a doctor or pharmacist before mixing treatments if unsure of consequences.

The most commonly experienced side effects are usually mild and transient, only cause for concern if severe enough to be disruptive:

  • Stomach upset
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Unpleasant taste in mouth
  • Appetite loss

Stomach-related side effects are often alleviated by administering Daktarin on a full stomach.

More serious side effects are rare but may be cause for concern, particularly in very young patients:

  • Excessive vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever or chills

Daktarin Oral Gel is extremely unlikely to produce dangerous adverse effects if used properly. In case of overdose prompt medical attention is warranted, but with medical attention even a large overdose is unlikely to cause lasting harm.

Daktarin is a broad spectrum anti-fungal treatment for the all types of fungal infections. There are different types of Daktarin to treat all sorts of fungal infections. Daktarin Cream is non-greasy and will not stain clothing or footwear.

Active Ingredient

Miconazole Nitrate 20mg/g, Benzoic acid 2mg/g.


Clean and dry affected area. Apply a thin layer to the affected area twice daily. Continue treatment for up to 2 weeks after symptoms have cleared.

General Product Information

Fungal infections inject themselves into our lives by being both uncomfortable and inconvenient at once. If there's one thing that can ruin a perfectly good outdoor vacation, it's suddenly getting unwanted, persistent itches in one's extremities. If you wish to save yourself the hassle of suffering through a whole season of athlete's foot, make sure to pack Daktarin Cream.

Daktarin Cream does not only get rid of fungal infections, but also bacterial infections. Its antibacterial properties are responsible for it becoming a good defense against skin infections of all types. For one thing, they make it difficult for fungal conditions to return, once the antifungal trait of the drug has done away with them. Athlete's foot (also known as tinea pedis) is the least of your worries, if this product is within your reach; after Daktarin Cream has healed the sore, cracked skin, it also prevents athlete's foot from settling in the same place.

For best results, this product is applied regularly - once or twice daily, depending on the instructions for each specific condition. It usually takes 1-2 weeks for treatment to be completed, but after this, it is unlikely that the infection will return soon on the treated areas.

The active ingredient in Daktarin Cream is miconazole nitrate. It kills fungi by preventing the generation of a chemical called ergosterol. Fungal cell membranes need ergosterol. the absence of this substance causes holes to appear in the membrane, through which essential components of the fungal cell can leak out. Without a strong membrane to keep its cellular components together, a fungal infection quickly disperses in this method.

The following is a list of some common infections that may be treated by Daktarin Cream:

1. ringworm on the hands, scalp, or any other part of the body
2. cutaneous candidiasis - a skin infection caused by Candida albicans, a yeast-like fungus
3. fungal nappy rash, caused by diapers left unchanged for too long
4. groin infections such as dhobie itch (jock itch)
5. intertrigo (sweat rash)
6. stomatitis angularis
7. perianal infections
8. balanoposthitis

Daktarin Cream comes in a number of preparations, such as Daktarin Dual Action Cream, Daktarin Aktiv, Daktacort Hydrocortisone Cream, and Daktarin Gold. The difference is spelled out in the components that are added to the miconazole nitrate. Daktacort Hydrocortisone, as the name suggests, contains hydrocortisone acetate, a topical steroid that is effective in fighting sweat rash. Daktarin Gold, on the other hand, contains ketoconazole, potent against jock itch and sweat rash that is infected with candida. Research has shown that the effects of Daktarin Gold can last up to eight weeks.

This product may be popularly known as a cream, but it is also found in spray and powder form. Accidental contact with the eyes and the mouth should be avoided. However, this drug also has a version that is safe to be taken orally, called the Daktarin Oral Gel. This gel is a white, sugar-free ointment that is specially formulated to treat mouth and throat infections. If the infection happens to be inside or on the mouth, the gel must be allowed to stay in the mouth for as long as possible. Not to worry, however: this preparation comes with a pleasant orange flavor, so you don't have to put up with a bitter ointment taste.

As with the cream and powder versions, the gel is also taken regularly; adults should take 1-2 spoonfuls 4 times a day. Children over the age of 6 may take 1 spoonful, also 4 times a day. Children under the age of 2, however, should only take half a spoonful twice daily.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should consult their doctors before taking the gel. The cream or powder preparations may be generally safe for external use by pregnant or nursing mothers, but miconazole has been known to pass into breastmilk, so nursing mothers may wish to take extra care when applying this product, especially in the breast area.

It is highly unlikely that the topical and ingestible preparations of Daktarin will conflict with other medications. However, if you are taking warfarin to prevent blood clots, there is a very slight risk that using Daktarin Cream simultaneously will enhance the effects of warfarin. Your doctor may need to monitor your blood-clotting time or INR during and after the time you are regularly applying the cream.

Daktarin is a broad spectrum anti-fungal treatment for the all types of fungal infections. There are different types of Daktarin to treat all sorts of fungal infections. Daktarin Powder is ideal for treating shoes and socks as well as fungal infections of the skin. Active Ingredient Miconazole Nitrate 20mg/g Dosage Clean and dry affected area. Shake a small quantity on to the affected area twice daily. May also be used in shoes and socks. Continue treatment for up to 2 weeks after symptoms have cleared. Warning If symptoms persist seek medical advice. Avoid contact with eyes.

Daktarin Powder (miconazole nitrate) is a potent antifungal treatment used to eradicate topical fungal infections, such as ringworm or jock itch. Unlike creams, gels and other moisture-containing treatments, Daktarin Powder helps keep the application site dry---particularly beneficial in the groin, armpits, skin folds and other areas which tend to be moist.

The medication works by destroying the integrity of fungal cell walls, causing the fungus to die off. Improvements are usually noticed very quickly, within a day or two of starting use, though it usually takes a bit longer for symptoms to completely clear up.

The powder is most commonly used to treat:

  • Ringworm
  • Candidiasis
  • Athlete's foot
  • Groin infections
  • Fungal rashes

Daktarin Powder is safe for use in all ages, and in most places is available without a prescription.

Getting the Most from Daktarin Powder

Like other topical antifungal treatments, the medication is most effective if kept in direct contact with the infection as much as possible. Daktarin Powder should be applied twice per day, in the morning and evening:

  • Clean and dry affected area.
  • Apply powder to entire area, extending a short way onto healthy skin surrounding the infection.
  • If the medication is washed off through showering, swimming or other means it should be reapplied.
  • Continue treatment until all symptoms are gone, and then for an additional 10 days to ensure complete eradication of the infection.

The powder may also be sprinkled in shoes, socks, clothing or other materials that come into contact with the infected area. This will help keep the infection from spreading as well as help keep the area dry.

There can be quite a variance in treatment duration. Some lucky individuals find their infections clear up practically overnight, while others may need to use Daktarin Powder for few weeks. Treatment may safely continue for as long as needed provided some improvement is taking place; if no improvements are noticed after several days of use, or if the condition worsens, a doctor should be consulted.

Treatment may be repeated as-needed if the infection returns. Starting treatment at the earliest symptoms an infection is developing is ideal.

Patients particularly prone to getting fungal infections may want to use Daktarin Powder as a preventive measure, applying small amounts of the powder to shoes, clothing or problem areas on a regular basis.

Precautions & Side Effects

For the most part Daktarin Powder is a remarkably safe treatment, unlikely to cause any problems. Very rarely some individuals experience mild irritation at the application site. Severe irritation---pain, redness, hives and so forth---may indicate an allergic reaction, in which case use should discontinue.

Daktarin Powder has only one known drug interaction, though very rare; the medication may enhance the effects of warfarin, leading to easier bruising and bleeding. Speak with a doctor before starting treatment if taking warfarin.

The medication is not known to cause any complications if used in patients with major medical conditions.

It is also unlikely to cause harm in unborn or nursing babies, but effects have not been thoroughly studied. Pregnant or breast-feeding moms may want to discuss possible risks with a trusted doctor before use.

Other Options

There are a number of Daktarin antifungal products designed to target specific fungal infections. Choosing the best match can make a tremendous difference in effectiveness and speed of healing:

  • Daktarin Oral Gel should be used to treat infections in the mouth or throat (oral thrush).
  • Daktarin Cream can be used to treat ringworm, athlete's foot, skin infections and groin infections when excess moisture is not a concern. It can also be used to treat nail infections.
  • Daktarin Powder is used to treat ringworm, athlete's foot, skin infections and groin infections when drying is desirable.
  • Daktarin Tincture is a convenient and effective way to treat fungal nail infections.
Daktarin is a broad spectrum anti-fungal treatment for the all types of fungal infections. There are different types of Daktarin to treat all sorts of fungal infections. Daktarin Tincture is a liquid for treating fungal infections of the nails. It penetrates the nail and dries to leave a protective coating. Active Ingredient Miconazole Nitrate 20mg/g Dosage Clean and dry the nail to be treated. Apply a thin layer to the nail twice daily. After the infected nail has come off, continue treatment, without interruption until a new nail has grown and the lesions are completely cured (usually for at least 2 months). Warning Do not apply to open wounds.

Daktarin Tincture (miconazole nitrate) is used to eradicate fungal infections in the fingernails or toenails. It is one of the more convenient antifungal nail treatments, applied to nails as one would apply nail polish. The tincture is typically applied twice per day for a minimum of 2 months.

Getting the Most from Daktarin Tincture

Daktarin Tincture is very similar to nail polish in many ways:

  • It comes in a vial with a small brush attached to the cap, which is used to paint the tincture on the nails.
  • Applied tincture leaves a protective film over nails once dry, which holds the medication in place while allowing free use of hands.
  • The tincture needs to be removed with an acetone-based nail polish remover before applying the next dose. Failure to remove the previous application will cause newer applications to layer, preventing fresh medication from actually reaching the nail.

Note that the nail polish remover is not included with Daktarin Tincture.

Miconazole nitrate, the active ingredient in Daktarin Tincture, destroys the integrity of fungal cells walls, ultimately leading to death of the fungus. The more the tincture is in contact with infected nails, the faster and more effectively this process will take place. For best results, treatment should be uninterrupted until all traces of the infection are gone; a new coating of the tincture should be applied as soon as the old layer is removed.

Throughout treatment nails should be trimmed as close as possible. Use designated clippers, files and other equipment on infected nails; do not use this equipment on healthy nails, as this may spread the fungus. When the infection is healed, sterilize or dispose of contaminated equipment.

Once nails are trimmed, cleaned and dried, treatment may begin:

  • Apply a thin layer of the tincture on infected nails, extending a short way on to healthy surrounding areas.
  • Take care to coat the entire nail---sides, front, and if not trimmed, underneath the nail.
  • Allow the tincture to dry.
  • Clean treated nails with acetone-based nail polish remover before applying the next dose.
  • Repeat treatment twice per day, ideally in the morning and evening.
  • Continue treatment as long as needed until all symptoms of the infection have cleared up, and for an additional 10 days after seeing the last of the symptoms.

Application may sting slightly if the skin around nails is broken. It should not be applied to large, open wounds as this will allow relatively large amounts of the medication to enter the bloodstream.

It will most likely take a minimum of 2 months of treatment for the infection to be fully cleared. It may take longer, particularly if treating toenails. Treatment may continue as long as needed, provided symptoms continue to improve.

In severe fungal infections nails may fall off. Treatment should continue regardless, with the tincture applied to all infected areas. It may also be applied to new nails as they grow in.

Treatment may be repeated if nail infections resurface in the future; ideally treatment should start at the earliest symptoms of infection.

Avoiding re-contamination is crucial in clearing up fungal nail infections. Any other fungal infections, such as jock itch or athlete's foot, should be treated before or along with nails. Frequently wash clothing, towels, nail clippers and other items that contact infected nails.

Adverse Effects

Adverse effects from Daktarin Tincture are very unusual, and not dangerous. A small percentage of patients are hypersensitive to one or more of the ingredients in the tincture, which may cause pain, inflammation, severe itching and other uncomfortable symptoms at the application site. These symptoms should fade once the tincture is removed; alternative treatments should be explored.

There are no known interactions with other medications, no dietary restrictions, and no contraindications associated with Daktarin Tincture. It is safe for use in pregnant or breast-feeding moms.

If the medication is consumed by children or pets seek medical attention.

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