Kiwi initially operated solely from a large New Zealand pharmacy store that has been established for over 40 years. As a New Zealand pharmacy, we are members of the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand and the Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand. Our pharmacists are registered with the Pharmacy Council of New Zealand. Our pharmacy is audited on a regular basis by Medsafe (the New Zealand medicines control authority), in accordance with the laws of operating a New Zealand pharmacy. You can be safe in the assurance that our pharmacy has passed all the requirements of the Medsafe authority. Our pharmacists are members of the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand. The Pharmaceutical Society is the professional body for New Zealand pharmacists. The Society provides professional support, education, training and career development for all pharmacists, assisting and enabling them to deliver best practice and professional services for the public. As we are a full retail and dispensing pharmacy, we are also members of the Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand. The Pharmacy Guild provides member pharmacies and pharmacists with a diverse range of services designed to support and enhance the commercial and professional interests of community pharmacy. In order to become a qualified pharmacist in New Zealand, there is a requirement of a minimum of four years University study, followed by a full year of on-site training. Only once the trainee intern is fully appraised at the end of this fifth year (by means of practical examinations), can they be certified as a qualified pharmacist. All pharmacists in New Zealand must undergo continuing education, meaning that they must continue to actively learn and study during their career as a pharmacist. Our affiliate pharmacies are all licensed and regulated pharmacies in their jurisdiction and their service and support is guaranteed. When reading reviews, make sure to read from a site that verifies the reviewer is a real customer, such as Trustpilot.